Parenting Tip:
Lead Daily Encounters
by Having Daily Encounters
Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Ages: 0-11
9AM + 11:30AM Get Directions
11:30AM CST Watch Online
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Lead Yourself
Have (and protect) your daily encounters to be in His Word and His presence.
Lead Your Children
Daily read His Word with them (or them do it themselves)
Daily time with them to commune with the Holy Spirit (through: prayer, worship, and listening).
Schedule and protect these times for yourself and your children
Keep it simple (i.e. bed time or wake up routine could incorporate prayer and bible reading time)
Don’t rush it. Schedule it during a time that leaves space to have an encounter.
Be present. For example, don’t have the tv on, or be on your phone. Give your attention to them, as you are leading them to give their attention to Him.