Give by Cash or Check

Locate one of our giving boxes at any Mercy Culture service or give by mail to your campus:

Mercy Culture Fort Worth, East Fort Worth, Waco, Dallas, Online, Español Fort Worth, or Español Dallas
1701 Oakhurst Scenic Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76111

Mercy Culture Waco
P.O. Box 32728 Waco, TX 76706

Give by Crypto

One time a year, we bring a special offering unto the Lord. We ask God for His heart for His house, and we call it Heart for Mercy!

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Mercy Culture is a community that loves God and loves to give to God.

We’re asking everyone in the community of Mercy Culture to pray and ask God for His heart for His house. Ask the Lord what offering pleases Him, then OBEY! On Sunday, March 2, we will come together as a church family and bring our offering as worship unto the Lord. Our elders and pastors will pray over every offering during a holy moment of bringing our best love offering to God.

This is a Year of Radical Love. Let our giving reflect our radical love for God!